I admit, I kinda rushed in last time, but if things hadn't panned out the way they did, I probably wouldn't have reached this point, and learned so much.
And here's a paradox... despite Manc 6 being much leaner, it's also fatter! I've added a few little bonuses for the reader - which I won't spoil here - as well as bringing on board a top photographer in Nigel Maitland to do the covers (yeah, there was an 'S' in covers!). You did a crackin' job, Nige - thanks. Check out his work here.
NOTE: I kept the same title as it's the same (re-edited) six stories and, more importantly, so that people weren't inadvertently duped into buying the same book (even though I know it's much better than before).
You can preview it or buy it here (UK) or here (US).
The great thing is Amazon put back up my 23 reviews without asking, which was jolly decent of them. Do me a favour though, even if you don't buy it, agree with the tags and 'like' if you'd be so kind.