Thanks Col!
Its funny... for English, at school, we're doing crime fiction. And my teacher strongly suggested your website as a point of call, to help familiarize ourselves with the world of crime, to see the different styles, views, perspectives of crime. And now, I have a short story up there!
Thanks again. Loving the site.
It goes without saying that both Matt and I are honoured. So thanks to Dom for letting us know and to the nameless English teacher for his/her flattering recommendation.
Further from Dom...
You'll be happy to know that it wasn't just my teacher who recommended the site... I actually attended this HSC workshop (HSC being the Australian equivalent of the A-Levels in the UK... I think) and they listed TKnC as a top source of flash-fiction. So be proud. Your site is being viewed by students all over the state.
Now I'm blushing!
Thanks Dom and thanks Teacher!
That is too rad.
Cheers, John.
Cool, innit?
(Hope the teachers aren't checking my slang usage!)
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