Wednesday, 24 September 2008


Like all writers who have not yet attained the luxury of earning a living from their writing, I've been busy trying to fit my writing around work, family and life in general, which is no easy task.
I've managed to recently complete a couple of short stories to enter into competitions in order to improve the CV. Although obviously a fair degree of talent is required to win or get shortlisted for these competitions, I do believe there's also an element of luck involved and it does depend who is judging the contest and if they are drawn to your stuff, so fingers crossed!
I've also been busy researching my novel (police procedure) and considering plot options (who kills who and who fancies who!).
My aim is to enter the Debut Dagger 2009 for unpublished 'novelists' and to have at least one short story published by the end of 2008. The rest of this year will be taken up by a seriously sustained assault on perfecting my first crime novel and I'm as determined as any would be author out watch this space!

PS. I've just read this back and think it's pertinent to point out that my novel is not entitled: 'Police Procedure,' as that would be ridiculously unoriginal!!!


Susan said...

Hi Col, just popped over from Talkback to say hello. I'm interested to know if you are working within the police force or have a link in some way. Good luck plotting and gathering all that information needed.
Go out and become that crime writer you long to be.

Unknown said...

Hiya, Susan. Thanks for taking the trouble to comment and for the encouragement.
Yes, I do have a link. Whisper to me on TB.

Sandra Patterson said...

Good luck with the book, Col! Mine's currently "out there" trying to find a home for itself. Just hope it doesn't pick up too many bad habits. :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks, Sandra. Fingers crossed for your book too!

Author said...

Keep at it Col. I can tell by this latest entry that you've got the enthusiasm going again. Good luck, and remember, if you want to chew the fat or need any pointers, you know where to find me.

Unknown said...

Cheers, Matt. You know, as much as anyone I know, how hard the journey is, and I sincerely appreciate your offer. You'll no doubt hear from me soon!