Monday, 27 August 2012


Richard Godwin's critically acclaimed, APOSTLE RISING is now available as an ebook, at the ridiculous price of £2.05. It's a (very) dark, psycho-logical, police procedural-cum-horror novel, that resonates after each reading session.  In this ebook you also get an excerpt from MR GLAMOUR and four noir stories.

Prolific north-eastern author, Julie Morrigan has a new crime 'twin-pack' due out on September 7th called WIRED, featuring two shorts, Barbed Wire and Razor Wire. To get tasters from each story go here.

Hull's finest crime writer, Nick Quantrill has a novella, BANG, BANG YOU'RE DEAD, coming out on September 17th via Byker Books. For a nosey at the first chapter click here.

People may know Steven Miscandlon for his cool book cover designs, but the man can write too. Check out INTO THE SHADOWS for ten dark short stories.

As is my wont, I'm currently reading the novels of two gents I was honoured to meet and hang out with at Harrogate.  Both have gripped me by the throat and not let go (not the authors, the novels!).  For just over a quid apiece (WTF?), Michael Malone'sBLOOD TEARS and Howard Linskey's, THE DROP introduce exciting new lead characters with strong potential for longevity.

In other news, I was relieved that that Scouse bloke, Luca Veste accepted my short story, EYES WIDE SHUT for the forthcoming OFF THE RECORD 2, as I knew the standard was high after reading the first, OFF THE RECORD.  But this time the theme is film titles as opposed to song titles.  And, again, it's for charities helping kids to read both sides of the big pond. What could be better, eh?  If you've not already, you can buy the first edition here for .77p - talk about value! ;-)
