I thought I'd start the new year with a bit of fun in this (hopefully) new feature...
Please feel free to contribute in the comments section. I'd prefer one-liners, but would stretch at two, the punchier the better. Anything around books, reading, writing, authors, stories, crime fiction - even tenuous links - will suffice. So, if you think of one, or hear a good un, you know where to come to spread the fun!
Here's me first batch for starters...
I've put everything I know into this novel... it's turned into a short story.
A row of books just hit me on the head... I've only got my-shelf to blame.
Been reading this book called 'The History of Glue'... I just couldn't put it down.
To celebrate my publication, the wife treated me to a candlelit meal... for some reason it was under-cooked.
Was gonna read this book I bought about improving your memory... but couldn't find it.
I'll get me coat...
Can YOU do better...? If not, no worries, just pick yer fave! :-)
But make me laugh 'n' I'll open the feature out to guest posts of YOUR writing jokes.
Ps. Thanks must go to 'King of the one-liners', Tim Vine, whose DVD I got for Christmas and inspired this.